Best known for the memorable themes and underscore she’s created for iconic superheroes, Emmy Award winning composer Lolita Ritmanis is a vibrant member of the international film music community. Her passion for collaborating with visionary voices has filled her resume with a wide variety of projects including: music for television, musical theatre, independent film, video games, documentaries, and concert works. Her music has been performed throughout the world, and also in America at prestigious venues such as The Kennedy Center and Carnegie Hall. Lolita is a founding member of Dynamic Music Partners and is the current president of the Alliance for Women Film Composers. Recent career highlights include: the Carnegie Hall U.S. premiere of her symphonic work “Overture to Light”, her original score for "Wild DaZe” - documentary (featuring Jane Goodall), music for the gender parity series “Flip the Script" (starring Lake Bell), as well as continued work on fan- favorite productions: "Marvel’s Avengers Assemble", Warner Bros. "Young Justice", “The Killing Joke” (starring Mark Hamill as the voice of The Joker). Other credits include: "Justice League” (the theme, composed by Lolita, received a Primetime Emmy nomination), "Teen Titans”, "Ben 10", “Wacky Races”, "Spectacular Spider-Man", "Batman: The Animated Series", as well as composing score and songs for the Primetime Emmy nominated musical "Batman: The Brave and the Bold: Mayhem of the Music Meister" (starring Neil Patrick Harris.)